P a g e | 78 To support future transportation sector electrification, we will need to build tens of thousands of charging stations including fast charging equipped highway plaza stations across the United States. A study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that three or more fast charge (DCFC) and ~40 Level 2 charging ports are needed per 1,000 EVs . Assuming 35 million EVs by 2030, the country will require >50,000 DCFCs and 1.2 million Level 2 ports. This means that over four hundred (400) EV charging ports will need to be installed each day over the next seven years! 161 Aside from the hundreds of billions of dollars in investment, each “passenger car” charging station will require the electricity of an NFL stadium , not only on game day, but every day (Figures 47) . For both electric cars and trucks, each of the tens of thousands of fast charge equipped highway plazas will use the same amount of electricity as a whole town does today and eventually a large factory as EV market penetration deepens (Figures 48) . Figure 47 – Comparative Peak Electricity Loads by Site Type 162 Source: www.CALSTART.com We will need to be patient. Invest in all sources of energy, infrastructure, and related technologies to promote a safe and successful transition. This is going to take time. 161 Forbes: The Lack of EV Charging Stations Could Limit EV Growth (forbes.com ) . 162 National Grid, CALSTART et al, Electric Highways: Accelerating and Optimizing Fast-Charging Deployment for Carbon-Free Transportation, November 2022.
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