
P a g e | 62 Figures 34 | 35 are a necessary start, but they do not meet ISO 14025 standards for cradle-to-grave ; industry cradle-to-gate emissions reductions are hard to come by as 2009-2019 trends indicate; and they do not contemplate the systematic and much broader approach to roadway environment sustainability we see coming. Figure 37 – Asphalt “ Cradle-to-Gate ” Trends 2009-2019 Source: NAPA A contract bidder will supply an agency with EPDs for each material and/or method of construction proscribed for a given project. Cradle-to-grave EPDs are mandatory under 14025. In an EPD, at each lifecycle stage, a number of environmental impacts are “scored” relevant to their associated standard measurement per unit relative. For example, global warming potential (GWP) of GHGs will be measured in kg CO 2 e; and use phase photochemical smog in kg O 3 e etcetera. Industries obtain their EPD for each product offered by choosing an approved “program operator” to oversee the process. In North America, these include ASTM International and the National Science Foundation (NSF) . “To achieve net zero in the production of asphalt, carbon offsets will be necessary.” - NAPA