
P a g e | 61 More specific to infrastructure, sustainability is defined as the capacity to maintain a process or state of being into perpetuity without exhausting the resources upon which it depends nor degrading the environment in which it operates. In recent years, it has been suggested that for human activity to meet present needs without compromising the prospects of future generations, we need to carefully balance economic, environmental, and societal demands. This concept is often referred to as the “three pillars of sustainability” or the “triple -bottom- line” which is how the ISI Envision framework 118 for public works is constructed. This is why we believe ENV and EPDs will be aligned in the future. At its core, prevailing uses of energy and the creation of greenhouse gases ; hazardous chemicals; and even pathogens and their impact on future generations is addressed and “scored” . We believe paving industry EPDs will evolve rapidly from “product boundary” to a “system boundary” approach much in-line with Envision and the “triple bottom line”. So, industry participants will need to think beyond the gate , outside the pave , and even outside the pavement itself. Figure 36 – Asphalt Emissions Cradle-to-Pave 2009-2019 Source: NAPA 118 Overview - Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure .