
P a g e | 60 ISO 14025, building upon other ISO 14000 series standards related to LCA guidelines, requires an EPD to meet a specific industry consensus standard in accordance with that industry’s Product Category Rule (PCR) . PCRs are developed and published primarily by product or sector trade associations. For example, the National Ready Mix Concrete Association (NRMCA) 116 and NAPA. 117 ISO 14025 requires an “open consultation” process whereby both industry participants and external stakeholder inputs are gathered and reviewed. The latter group may include competing industries; LCA practitioners; academics; NGOs; customers; and even activists. Figure 35 – Asphalt Cradle-to-Gate Summary by Impact Source: NAPA It may be important here to remind oneself of how ‘sustainability’ is defined. The most accepted definition of sustainability was established by the United Nations in the early eighties . The Brundtland Commission set out to formally define and unite countries in pursuit of sustainable development. The result of this effort was a definition simply defined as: Meeting the current generation’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet needs of their own . 116 Environmental Product Declarations - NRMCA . 117 Emerald Eco-Label EPD Program - National Asphalt Pavement Association .