
P a g e | 47 Preservation Treatments Save Embodied & Use Phase Emissions It is counterintuitive, yet common, to conclude that most of the energy consumed in paving takes place in manufacturing and construction, but emissions are the largest during the use phase of the road. (Figure 24) A study by University of Arkansas researchers reinforced the power of using a wide range of maintenance treatments to not only save agencies money but also materially reduce emissions over the lifecycle of asphalt pavements. 102 The study included multiple preservation treatments (Strategy II) , including several just previously discussed herein, versus just “mill and fill” overlays (Strategy I) over a thirty year (30) lifecycle, concluding using pavement preservation treatments have much lower environmental impact. (Figure 24) Figure 24 – GHG Emissions “Mill & Fill” vs Using Preservation Treatments Source: University of Arkansas, Dept. of Civil Engineering 102 Braham A and Poor N, Inclusion of Road use Phase in LCAs Shows Preservation Has best Eco-Performance, Pavement Preservation Journal , Spring 2023 edition www.fp2.org .