
P a g e | 45 We discuss Pavement Vehicle Interactions or PVIs later in more detail as they have a material impact on transportation emissions, both exhaust and non-exhaust. (Page 90 Ride Quality and Page 93 Microplastics – namely tire-wear particulate). A maltene rejuvenator also has an outsized impact on ride quality, especially over the later years of a treated pavement’s lifecycle. Whereas MRT cuts asphalt manufacturing and construction scope 1 or embodied emissions by 50% or more, the long-term improved ride quality of the wearing-course saves scope 3 emissions meaningfully. (Table 6) lays out the international roughness index (IRI) values on a fourteen-year-old (14) pavement treated with the leading MRT product Reclamite® in Tampa, FL The road was evaluated three times (a, b, c) against a control section of the road using mobile equipment. Both the treated and untreated sections were also 3D mapped (Figures 22 | 23) . Table 6 – Maltene Rejuvenator IRI Results After 14 Years Road A Treated IRI(a) 105.26 Untreated IRI(a) 233.36 Difference 128.10 Treated IRI(b) 164.48 Untreated IRI(b) 298.18 Difference 133.70 Treated IRI(c) 111.83 Untreated IRI(c) 241.84 Difference 130.01 Source: International Cybernetics; Pavement Technology, Inc. As will be outlined in Ride Quality, research has shown that for each 10-point improvement in IRI value, ~2% of traffic fuel-economy related savings in CO 2 and NOx is observed. So, this road in Tampa, treated with MRT over a decade ago, is saving ~25% of on-road vehicle emissions at this later stage of the pavement lifecycle. Ride quality, emissions, and type of pavement lifecycle maintenance matter. There is considerable carbon accounting opportunity here for our industry.