
P a g e | 43 Micro-Paving For worn, high-volume roads, micro (re)surfacing offers an economical, quick fix for rutting damage. These products have limited impact on life-cycle assessment and are prone to bonding issues if not of high quality. They are useful for specific stress- related mediation but have limited or no measurable impact on carbon. However, there are new post paving penetrant technologies eme rging which can “retrofit” micro surfaces with environmentally beneficial properties. Molecular Rejuvenation At the road surface, pavement oxidation begins immediately, opening the way for water intrusion and exponential oxidative deterioration of the pavement, the primary factor shortening lifecycles for residential and arterial roads which comprise as much as 77% of pavements. 91 A fifty-year proven approach is to remedy this by spray- applying a natural or maltene-based rejuvenator. Figure 21 – Maltene Rejuvenator (Reclamite) Study: Eight Year Oxidation Rate Curves Charleston County (SC) 92 (Poises) 93 Source: Pavement Technology, Inc.; APART 91 American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA). 92 Reclamite ® is a trademark of Ergon, Inc. 93 poise (symbol P) is the unit of dynamic viscosity (absolute viscosity) in the centimeter-gram-second system of units. 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000 17000 19000 Year 1 Year 3 Year 6 Year 8 MRT Untreated