
P a g e | 36 Though AC production emissions are quite small relative to overall U.S. GHG emissions (~0.3%), more than two-thirds of production stage emissions come from asphalt binder, 68 (Figure 17) . This will continue to be a hurdle for the asphalt industry as it is exceedingly difficult to reduce asphalt concrete binder (AB) sourcing and production emissions without compromising both quality and durability. Figure 17 – AC Binder Production GHG Emissions Source: Asphalt Institute (AI) (Figure 18) is actual estimated emission saves from using cleaner or less mix fuels and recycled materials in AC production as of 2019. The savings totaled … ▪ <2% fuel mix/use ▪ ~9% RAP … of just the production stage only emissions from asphalt concrete. 68 NAPA.