
P a g e | 31 Transportation Industry Emissions The transfer of carbon dioxide to and from the atmosphere or the carbon cycle is critical to the global ecosystem. Most carbonates, including petroleum, gas and coal, give-off CO 2 when heated. Industrialization and mobilization in the modern era have increased the amount of CO 2 the earth’s atmosphere is receiving . Total global carbon emissions continued to increase between 2010 and 2019 and following a temporary reduction in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, rebounded in 2021 to exceed 36 gigatons (billion). A new record. The transportation sector share of the total emissions ranged ~30%. 55 In the United States, total emissions reached ~6 billion metric tons CO 2 e in 2020 with $1.6 billion metric tons or 27% from transportation. Within transport, roads contributed 71% and aviation more than 12% (Figure 13) . 56 Figure 13 – Carbon Emissions from Fuel Consumption by Sector 2021 Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 55 International Energy Agency (IEA): Global Energy Review: CO2 Emissions in 2021 – Analysis. 56 World Road Association (PIARC).