
P a g e | 14 Scope 1: Controlled On-Site Emissions When an organization’s owned or controlled assets and on -site operations emit greenhouse gases , these activities make up their scope 1 emissions footprint . Scope 1 emissions are all those that an organization has direct control over, and as such are perhaps the most straightforward to quantify and report. Examples of activities that are categorized under Scope 1 include fuel emissions from process-related transportation and on-site energy generation. When looking to reduce Scope 1 emissions, organizations typically focus on making on- site technology more energy efficient. Scope 2: Indirect Emissions An organization’s emissions are considered within the boundary of Scope 2 if they result from purchasing electricity, heat, or steam from somewhere else, rather than being produced by the organization itself. These emissions physically occur at the facility where the resource is generated. Examples of Scope 2 emissions sources include the energy purchased to heat or cool an organization’s facilities or charge electric equipment and assets. Scope 3: Value Chain Emissions Whereas scopes 1 and 2 pertain to emissions an organization either owns or has direct purchasing control over, the third boundary includes all sources of emissions in the total value chain. Scope 3 emissions encompass systematic emissions from everything not included in the prior two boundaries. Also known as value chain emissions , Scope 3 encompasses activities both upstream and downstream from a subsector’s direct operations. They are a direct consequence of decisions made by organizations. In the case of paving materials, processing, and construction, most Scope 3 emissions are not an unintended consequence. They are a byproduct of the very reason for the industry itself. In the case of paving materials processing and construction, most scope 3 emissions are not an unintended consequence. They are a byproduct of the very reason for the industry itself.