
P a g e | 133 Table 25 – PlusTi TM Recent Results Phoenix & Tucson 297 Core # Carrier NOx Reduction (%) TiO 2 Concentration (PPM) SRI (%) Location 1 A.R.A.-1 Ti 49.6 4215 0.41 PHX 2 A.R.A.-1 Ti 53.7 4562 0.45 PHX 3 A.R.A.-1 Ti 48.1 4089 0.40 PHX Control Neg Neg 0.08 PHX 4 A.R.A.-1 Ti 28.5 2425 0.24 TUC 5 A.R.A.-1 Ti 58.2 4948 0.49 TUC 6 A.R.A.-1 Ti 59.5 5061 0.50 TUC Control Neg Neg 0.09 TUC Source: Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) The resultant from on-road PCO of both tailpipe CO 2 and NOx is valuable and soluble carbon and nitrogen fuel for roadside natural carbon sinks. So, photocatalytic pavements are a natural (no pun) fit for highways and city streets where agencies are active in enhancing the natural surroundings for both environmental and aesthetic purposes. PlusTi TM Value Proposition PlusTi TM photocatalytic pavement solutions offer a host of roadway preservation and environmental benefits for an attractive “turnkey” price. PTI is a vertically integrated product developer, producer, and applicator along with our emulsion manufacturing arm – D&D Emulsions, Inc. D&D has built a state-of-the art TiO 2 mixing plant, which is the only known facility designed specifically to combine select asphalt and concrete preservation compounds with photo-responsive minerals to precise performance specifications. 297 coefficient of determination , a common statistical strategy used to streamline well-established scientific testing.