
P a g e | 132 Regenerative Mobility Ecosystems Road systems occupy valuable real estate. Much of the adjunct real estate typically goes underutilized. FHWAhas expanded the “compatible uses” of the highway right of way (ROW) to include projects and infrastructure that address the climate crisis. One of the most common and easiest strategies is to enhance the ROW to increase natural carbon capture and improve biodiversity . Besides all the environmental benefits of the increased and diverse vegetation, they are very pleasing to motorists as well. While not all plants (annuals e.g.) retain carbon durably, trees and other perennials e.g., grasses do. Most vegetation around the roadway microenvironment are perennials and are a great target for photocatalytic pavement systems. Trees and certain bushes can sequester carbon for decades, centuries, or even longer. So, biological storage of carbon can be retained sustainably in these enhanced roadway ecosystems. They can be highways or city streets that frame parks and greenways. Biological storage is superior to fabricated product storage, which, as described, is difficult to scale in a net carbon neutral manner as is both accelerated geological and geochemical storage. Natural geological and geochemical storage require thousands of years to accumulate carbon. PlusTi TM brings a type of carbon capture and utilization that is uniquely accretive to naturally augmented ROWs. As previously outlined, photocatalytic redox is a combination of carbon and nitrogen mineralization (photocatalytic capture and conversion) and biological storage (photosynthetic sequestration). Photocatalytic redox is a combination of carbon and nitrogen mineralization and biological storage.