P a g e | 120 to $20 billion annually and has been growing at a rate of more than 8% in recent years. The post pandemic supply chain is tight like all commodities, but the domestic market has been stable. Figure 75 – Domestic TiO 2 Market (Millions USD) Source: Grandview Research, www.grandviewresearch.com . The questions remain – what would wide use of photocatalytic materials in road construction mean in terms of TiO 2 market impact and paving costs? Using a penetrant-based, spray-applied (retrofit) approach, we estimate no impact to the commodity market and little added expense to current paving and pavement preservation budgets. Assume the U.S. market is comprised of four million lane miles of eligible pavement, and one wished to upgrade the system to photocatalytic over a ten-year deployment. The 400,000 yearly lane mile upgrade would consume 3.5 million pounds or about 1,800 tons of TiO 2 . 247 That would equate to only 0.09% of U.S. annual production and 0.02% of global production. A retrofitted photocatalytic pavement consumes so little titanium because the technique targets the upper six (6) millimeters of pavement for TiO 2 concentrations. Certain nano TiO 2 blends of anatase, and rutile form are so highly photo-responsive 247 BlackwallPartners LLC.
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